Around 55,000 women and 370 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK.

The Butterfly Breast Cancer Awards have evolved following Sarah’s own experience after being diagnosed with Triple negative Breast Cancer in 2014 at the age of 32. Sarah underwent chemotherapy and a double mastectomy with reconstruction. 

Whilst undergoing treatment and embarking on this challenging yet transformational journey, Sarah was reminded just how beautiful change can be. Not just from her own experience but witnessing that of those around her.

"A butterfly is delicate but has strength and resilience to break through its chrysalis after been in the darkness for a period of time, never giving up hope and believing it can break through and emerge as this beautiful butterfly in a new world”


From women who were braving their own Cancer journey and others who were supporting women with breast cancer she experienced strength, hope and connection on a different level. 

What stood out to Sarah was there was often much bigger stories evolving. Women flourishing, emerging with renewed sense of purpose and achievements, harnessing the opportunity to transcend from their old form and create a new beginning.

Women who despite their own challenges were supporting others through treatment, finding ways to enable them to shine or creating products, services and businesses that would make the experience for other Breast Cancer women easier.

Sarah also recognised that there were many others playing a vital role in making a difference to someone who has Breast Cancer and their long road to wellbeing. 

From nurses, doctors and support staff to neighbours, friends and family, there are often an army of people lifting you up through little acts of kindness.

A listening ear, a reassuring hug or note, giggles and tears over a cup of tea, a meal for the family on treatment day, help with the school run when you have an appointment, a baked cake left on the doorstep for the disturbed nights sleep ahead, a fundraiser in your name…….the list is endless. All worthy of recognition yet often go unnoticed by everyone else. 

What is heartwarming is that they don’t do it for recognition, in fact, they only do it for the benefit of the person who needs it most - the woman affected by Breast Cancer. Its because of this that Sarah came up with the idea of hosting an awards evening to recognise and celebrate women who have made an impact to women with Breast Cancer.


© Copyright 2023 Butterfly Breast Cancer Awards. All rights reserved. 

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